Julio Leva López

Ph. D. Aspirant

Supervisor: Ron Steel

Curriculum vitae


Contact information:


Email: julioleva@utexas.edu

Office Phone: 512- 471 -6955           

Location: GEO 6.120

Mailing Address: Department of Geological Sciences, 1 University Station, C1100, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712

My Links:


Autostratigraphy Experiment: One of the series of experiments conducted as part of my current research projects


Autoretreat Experiment: The inspiration for my experimental work


Website of the Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Group


Research Interests:

I am interested in the study of the allogenic and autogenic mechanisms that control shallow marine sedimentary systems. Rather than focusing on one particular variable (e.g. tectonics, sediment supply, eustasy), I am interested in understanding how these variables may jointly influence a system and in the possible interactions and feed-backs that may develop between them.

I am also very interested in the autostratigraphic behaviors of the sedimentary systems under steady conditions and more importantly the application of those concepts to situations of unsteady allogenic forcing.

The study of clastic wedges in foreland basins, my present topic of study, encompasses some of the most complex and interesting interactions and feed-backs between mechanisms controlling sedimentary systems. These complex systems have, until now, been overlooked in the study of autostratigraphic concepts.

Although I am generally a field geologist, my research interests have led me to use numerical and physical experiments to be able to understand the processes that I can later explore in field studies.

Research Projects: